VFX are now complete for 'The First Time I Never Met You'
The team at nineteentwenty have done an amazing job with the VFX for ‘The First Time I Never Met You’… WHAT'S NEXT
Picture Lock on 'The First Time I Never Met You'
With the edit locked, TFTINMY now moves on to the VFX and Colour Grade with NineteenTwenty (London)...
HOLD nominated for a Limelight Award
Post-Apocalyptic short film 'Hold' (dir. Eric Kole) has been nominated for a Limelight Film Awards in the 'Free Fall' category…
ZAIRE wins at Encounters Film Festival 2017
Zaire took home the Nahemi Production Prize at the 2017 Encounters Film Festival (Bristol, UK)...
ZAIRE to screen Cine Gear Expo 2017
Sci-Fi short drama ‘Zaire’ has been selected as a finalists for the Film Series Screening at Cine Gear Expo 2017...